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In early November, the Rawlplug Poland team attended the 2021 Warsaw Tools & Hardware Show. This is a very important tool fair and both we and our power tools had to be there.
During the event, we were promoting the Rawlplug system: mountings, accessories, power tools, to raise awareness of the Rawlplug brand on the Polish market.
We had two stands, which improved our ability to talk to our clients. RawlTruck was the outdoor stand and was just as popular as ever. Our indoor stand was divided into the business and training zones with wood, concrete, and steel mounting zones for everyone to see just how good our products are!
The fair was a success. Over the three days, our stand was visited by 450-500 people. At certain points, we had too many clients to handle for the available staff.
Over the 3 days, we procured 60 contracts and 20 solid declarations of cooperation. The fair also inspired some new ideas and we are already planning our next appearance, which will be somewhat expanded.
We would like to congratulate the Rawlplug Poland team and we are cheering them on in performance of new ideas.